mother kissing her baby

dad tickling kids


Choosing a quality childcare provider is one of the most important decisions a parent will ever make. It can also prove to be one of the most difficult decisions to make. We encourage families to be fully informed about their options. To choose child care wisely you need an awareness of what quality child care is, how to recognize it, and how to find it. To help you meet this challenge, we at Building Blocks Home Daycare offer parents with the following resources to help guide you. We urge parents to take advantage of the resources provided, by using the following helpful information when searching for a childcare provider; as each and every word herein was written with your child's safety and happiness in mind, and with his or her best interests at heart. The following information is a complete and thorough step by step process to finding, eventually selecting, and keeping a quality family home daycare.

To help you narrow down your choices and make an informed decision, we've compiled the following information to assist you in evaluating the quality of a family home daycare. Here are three detailed checklists, in relevant order, consisting of all the necessary and pertinent questions to ask a potential childcare provider.

Our website serves as a way to communicate with all families. The following articles were written with the intent to provide parents with the necessary information they need to build a beneficial and effective partnership with their childcare provider. It is our hope that each family is given the opportunity to stay involved, in a positive way, in their child's early childcare program.

Passionate about children's growth, development and achievements, Building Blocks Home Daycare is proud to partner with families who share these same goals. We appreciate and understand the rapid pace of today's world and work to ease the stressors that modern families face. In helping to accomplish this, we have compiled a comprehensive list of supportive websites for parents and their children, consisting of some of the best known resources for early childhood information. Whether you're looking for answers to your medical questions, inquiring about childcare licensing procedures, searching for the most up to date child rearing articles, or just want to play a few games with your child; here is where parents and their children will find what they are looking for.